social media


Social Media

Photo Apr 27, 4 48 21 PM.jpg
Photo May 30, 8 26 57 AM.jpg
Photo Jun 16, 11 14 34 AM.jpg


Since 2017, I have been able to be a part of the EDGE conference media team. Along with designing merchandise and creating video content for the conference, I have been the social media director. This has meant creating content to be posed on our Instagram as well as Facebook and Twitter. I have posted things like daily updates, countdowns to the next EDGE conference, and created series like Meet In May, a series of posts that featured the staff for the upcoming conference. I am excited to be back at the EDGE conference this summer helping out with social media and other aspects of media.

Jesse tompkins president CAMPAIGN

In the spring of 2019, my friend Jesse Tompkins decided to run for student body president at Furman University. I was happy to help him with his social media posts, account, and content as well as posters around campus. It proved successful as Jesse is now finishing off his term as the 2019-2020 student body president.

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